BrightData is a huge residential and datacenter proxy provider, previously named Luminati. Crunchbase shows their location as New York, but their operations and founders are located in Israel. BrightData has a set of products for web scraping and data extraction. In fact, they have so many products that it's not easy to navigate them and understand which one to start with, this might confuse beginners. BrightData has "Scraping Browser", also "Web Scraper IDE", and "Web Unlocker".

BrightData Scraping Browser

"Scraping Browser" is a desktop product mostly resembling Octoparse offering.

BrightData WebScraper IDE

"Web Scraper IDE" product is similar to ScrapeNinja Scraper Sandbox.

Proxy Web Unlocker

"Proxy Web Unlocker" is basically a smart proxy mode where BrightData analyses the traffic going through the proxy and automatically "unlocks" the website for you - solving captchas, retrying, etc - so, this is a direct competitor to ScraperAPI proxy mode.

BrightData origins are selling proxy infrastructure to other web scraping industry players, and this is definitely clear looking at their product line: for instance, "Proxy Web Unlocker" is essentially just another fancy way to setup of their proxies, and you get charged by traffic volume (which is not cheap, starting from $15/GB). No traffic cost is listed on Web Unlocker pricing page

This might make sense if you are trying to scrape website with very small HTTP responses, otherwise it might quickly get prohibitively expensive. The good thing is that on BrightData dashboard, you can setup daily caps: daily caps in BrightData dashboard.

Free Plan:
$15/GB + $3-6 per 1M reqs